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Philanthropic Services

Scottsdale Financial Group provides specialized expertise in helping individuals and families make an impact on a special cause and/or charitable organization. As a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy, Scottsdale Financial Group Founder and President, Robert J. Smith, has 33 years of experience as a financial professional and has multi-faceted expertise to assist you in realizing your dream, vision or legacy through a thoughtful gift planning strategy.

It all begins by gaining full clarity around your desired outcome and identifying the opportunities and situations where those results can be best achieved. From this, a gift planning strategy is developed and the appropriate process for making the gift is then established. Without proper guidance, good intentions can often be marred by technical, tax and legal consequences. Mr. Smith's experience in estate planning and his expertise as a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy and Chartered Financial Consultant help ensure your efforts are on target.

We are excited about your decision to take action on your dream and would be honored to guide you through your journey with the areas of focus such as those below:

  • Creating a personal giving plan  
  • Charitable Lead Trust
  • Reviewing gift acceptance policies
  • Donor Advised Fund
  • Creating bequests in your estate plan
  • Endowments
  • Private and Public Foundations
  • Gift annuities
  • Charitable Remainder Trust

Scottsdale Financial Group does not offer tax, legal or accounting advice. For advice on such services, contact your own professional counsel.