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Estate Planning Services

Robert J. Smith has been assisting high net worth families with their estate planning needs for 33 years. He provides the expertise and guidance for handling the challenges of asset distribution, estate taxes, passing a business and/or real estate to the next generation, estate equalization, family members with special needs and other unique circumstances.

As Founder and President of Scottsdale Financial Group, Mr. Smith has extensive training in estate planning and is an Accredited Estate Planner, Chartered Financial Consultant and Chartered Life Underwriter. This expertise and years of experience are key to guiding and educating families so they can navigate the estate planning process with confidence, clarity and peace of mind.

Mr. Smith is also a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy. If it's important for your estate planning to include gifting strategies, Scottsdale Financial Group can provide you with special assistance. Other estate planning services include:

  • Facilitating a revocable living trust  
  • Distribution strategies
  • Facilitating an irrevocable life insurance trust
  • Estate equalization strategies
  • Facilitating medical & legal power of attorney
  • Estate tax minimization strategies
  • Facilitating qualified domestic trust for non-citizens
  • How to title assets
  • Facilitating special needs trust
  • Review dated estate plans

Scottsdale Financial Group does not offer tax, legal or accounting advice. For advice on such services, contact your own professional counsel.